P H O T O P R E P + O P T I M I Z A T I O N S T E P S

PNG’s tend to be larger file sizes than JPEG’s, so if your PNG just won’t get down to 500 kb or less, change it over to a JPEG. Resize banner images: 1,800 - 2,000 px width Resize images on a page: 1,500 or less px width

  • File size of 500 KB or less

  • Named so it’s descriptive and maybe has a keyword in it

  • Banner images should be shaped horizontal/landscape and have an image of 2500 px width but below 500 KB. Alternatively, if you have a banner image that’s to the suggested width, but it’s still larger than 500 KB, you’ll want to go smaller than my recommended width suggestions to get it under 500 KB.